After extensive testing and tweaking we are pleased to bring out the new stick and bag mixes. These little bags of goodness are sure to get those extra bites adding lots of soluble attraction around your hookbait. These mixes are NOT designed to fizz all over the place and put a huge chemical haze around your bait that seems fashionable at the moment. Instead we have opted for a mix which gives out heaps of food signals and taste which we feel those big wiley old carp will be subtly attracted too rather than repelled.

This little bag of goodness has been created not just to compliment the boilie range but as a fantastic stand alone product. All the key elements that go in to our Red Berry Damson Cream boilies are accounted for along with the relevant liquid attractors. This can be used straight out the bag or you can soak this in your preferred liquids to enhance it further. A very active mix with hours of attraction being leaked in to the swim.

Supplied in a 1kg resalable bag. Keep the the bag sensibly out the sun etc. and keep the bag sealed to maintain optimum condition.

A little under used tip when fishing over silk weed is to make up a stick but dont compress hard. Stick on a bottom bait/wafter to you rig and a light lead and be instantly different to all those pop ups out there! A lovely slow sinking pile of goodness nestled gently on the weed.

Weight 1 kg


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